Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Its been awhile... Week 14.5

I haven't been up for writing lately. Work has been crazy!!! But I thought I should update.. Tomorrow is our 3rd appointment. Im anxious and nervous. This will be the first appointment in the second tri. I just want to hear everything is okay. I think once we hear his/her little heart beat again alot of my fears will go away. Also, I set up the BIG ultrasound. We find out if its a lil Bren or a lil Ash on JANUARY 9th!! Thats only 2 weeks.. I am so excited....
Non-pregnancy related news, I got into Adams State :). I decided I will not work and just go to school full time. I am planning on saving student loan money to pay the bills I have. Eek the thought of only one income coming in is scary but I really don't think I can work and go to school and be pregnant. My life would just seem too much. So hopefully this is the right decision. We will see.
So I will update tomorrow (maybe, no promises) with good news hopefully. I need to start posting more pictures...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

12 week questions :O)

How far along? 12 weeks! :)
Total weight gain/loss: My pants are getting tighter. my tummy is getting harder..
How Big is Baby?: A PLUM!! 2.1 inches and .49 ounces
Maternity clothes? Not all the time. I have a couple pair of maternity pants that I wear when I am super bloated.
Stretch marks? None that are new
Sleep: I hope I am one of those pregnant woman who always sleep good, because man I love sleeping!!!
Movement: Nope! SOON I HOPE
Food cravings: Jalapenos
Food aversions: I dont know?? the smell of eggs cooking is kinda grossing me out EW
Symptoms: Threw up a couple times two days ago, but it might have just been from what I was eating.. Damn Chili cheese dog.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Doc appointments. Doc appointments. Doc appointments.
Weekly Wisdom: Hmmm haven't heard any wisdom this week......
Weekly Joy: I was having a bad day and Brendan went grocery shopping. He bought me anything he thought would make me feel better. I am so lucky he makes my heart happy!!!

12 Weeks

WOW, I love being 12 weeks pregnant!!! I am starting to feel so much better. I hope it lasts. I am not so exhausted anymore. I am also thrilled (I think Brendan would agree) that I am not so moody. Everything seems to be going great. We got some news earlier this week and it put me in a slight depression, but I am just going to stay positive. Everything WILL be okay. I am back at work and they are being awesome. I no longer have to pack boxes I am just doing the computer work YAY :) Thats about it. We have TWO doctor appointments this month. One is on tuesday, the other will be on the 23rd. I love doctor appointments now. :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

11 week poll

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am staying and the same weight I was when I got pregnant
How Big is Baby?: The size of a lime SHESSH!!
Maternity clothes? I wore sweats all this week
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep:Sleepin good, not going to bed a 8pm every night anymore
Movement: Not that I felt but we seen him/her movin :)
Food cravings: I don't have any right now, I want orange juice but that never agrees with baby.
Food aversions: None right now
Symptoms: Just the cramping
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I am looking forward to: Getting cleared from the doc
Weekly Wisdom: relax!!
Weekly Joy: Seeing the little lime on the ultra sound hearing the little heart. Our baby is there and he/she is doing great :)

11 weeks

This has been the longest week of my life. Started out good, we had the dr appointment and everything seemed to be going okay. Then my mom and sis came for thanksgiving, then Brens dad came. Then I got sick :(. On saturday we went to the ER because I was spotting and had horrible sharp pains and cramps. We spent about 5 hours there and the care was HORRIBLE. It scares me to think that this is the place I am having my baby. Anyways everything is okay, we got to hear the heart beat and even seen the little bean! It was so exciting. It made everything more real. I am on "light duty" so no work again today. I need to call a the doc today to make a follow up appointment. They said I was having a threatened miscarriage. Kinda a scary term but I think I am fine. Bren is on splits this month which makes me happy. Instead of having only three nights a week with him I get to have five nights a week with him

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10 weeks and 2nd Appointment

Nothing too exciting to speak of happened at the second appointment. They just talked to me about some of the questions I had. My doctor is AMAZING!! She put my mind at ease and I really am no longer scared of every little thing. She also moved my due date up two days. Thats not too many but hey every little bit counts. I am still really exhausted, my mom, shaun, lucas, and Brigette are coming tomorrow and I have sooooooooo much to do around the house.
Brendan seems really excited. I am so happy he came with me to the doctor, I think it makes it more real. We are starting to tell more people. So far everyone is excited and happy for us, hopefully it stays that way.
TEN WEEKS!! Finally in the double digits. :) 1/4 of the way there. I can't believe next year at this time we will have a five month old baby. CRAZY. Well life is good.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

New little poll.. 11weeks

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am staying and the same weight I was when I got pregnant
How Big is Baby?: The size of a lime SHESSH!!
Maternity clothes? I wore sweats all this week
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep:Sleepin good, not going to bed a 8pm every night anymore
Movement: Not that I felt but we seen him/her movin :)
Food cravings: I don't have any right now, I want orange juice but that never agrees with baby.
Food aversions: None right now
Symptoms: Just the cramping
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I am looking forward to: Getting cleared from the doc
Weekly Wisdom: relax!!
Weekly Joy: Seeing the little lime on the ultra sound hearing the little heart. Our baby is there and he/she is doing great :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

9 Weeks :)

Well today isn't 9 weeks tomorrow is, but we are going to skip a day because... well because I want to!! This week has been way to emotional. I felt like I lost all symptoms on saturday, but I think I was just being a little emotional. They are back! We are heading off to Denver after work tonight, we are probably going to register already because we are going to ask for baby stuff for christmas. Im really excited to see how Brendan is going to act in Babies R Us... LOL i think he will be overwhelmed. I SHOULD be getting ready for work, but Im being lazy, sitting here is so much easier. What else.... Only one week till the appointment then our big secret will be out! Kia was SO bad yesterday she ripped a hole in my very nice very expensive comforter. BOO KIA! Well I may update later this week. Who knows!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Eight week ?'s

How far along: 8 weeks
Maternity clothes: Not yet but my clothes sure are getting tight.. eek
Stretch marks: Nope none that are new
Sleep: I am so tired, I go to sleep so early!! Talking like 7 O'Clock
Best moment this week: Hmmm.. So far today. Nothing special Im just not so grumpy.
Movement: CANT WAIT
Food cravings: Hmmm..... I don't know, I was craving fried chicken from jacks the other day. Yup and Brendan got them for me. How amazing is he!
Gender: Don't know, but I have a feeling ;)
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: B E E R!!!
What I am looking forward to: Our appointment! Still. I am really excited for thanksgiving. I think I am going to try to make dinner. Hopefully it will come out yummy!
Milestones: I dont know if I have had any milestones this week.. maybe next week!

Eight week ?

Eight Weeks!! :)

YAY!! Only 10 more days till our first appointment. Then our secret will finally be out!!! What else is going on?? Hmm today I am actually in a good mood. I have been so overly emotional these last couple days its ridiculous. Tonight I am doing a ride a long with my love. it's nice to get out of the house every now and then. Monday we will be in Denver, just a short trip. Maybe get some christmas shopping done. Nothing to exciting going on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Seven Weeks

Today is the first day of my seventh week. Things seem to be going so slow, it's been about three weeks since I found out I was pregnant, and it feels like MONTHS. I am so anxious for certain milestones, like hearing the heart beat, and finding out what we are having. It feels like it is going to take FOREVER!!! Brendan is amazing as always. He makes me dinner and gets me things whenever I want them. He is excited I can tell. Its hard going over a month with out an appointment, I want to make sure everything is going right. I am so exhausted lately, work is kicking my butt. I can't wait until January when school starts. Work is only going to get harder. Well thats all that is going on this week!

7 weeks today :)

How far along: 7 weeks
Maternity clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: Still no need for them, my belly is the same size!
Sleep: Still SO tired
Best moment this week: Riding along with Brendan, having a clean house. Actually spending evenings with my love
Movement: None
Food cravings: YUM I bought some pickles today and I don't know how I was living with out them :)
Gender: won't know for at least 10 weeks
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: Coffee, Brendan is on a coffee kick lately and I just get to smell it.. Only eight more months then I will need all the coffee I can get!
What I am looking forward to: Our appointment in 20 days!! :)
Milestones:Nothing really exciting this week, so far!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

six week questions

How far along: 6 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes: I haven't needed them yet, and don't think I will in for awhile. But i did by some brand new pants from a yard sale!! SCORE!
Stretch marks: None yet *knock on wood*
Sleep: I can't get enough sleep. I am SO tired
Best moment this week: Being able to spend more time with brendan
Movement: Not yet, Cant wait till that day comes
Food cravings: Just anything that sounds somewhat good. Someone will mention Mac & Cheese, and then I NEED mac &cheese
Gender: won't know for at least 10 weeks
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: I don't miss much.. a beer now and then :)
What I am looking forward to: getting the babies room in order. I already need to start organizing
Milestones: telling our families! Everyone is so excited

SIX WEEKS!!! and one day :)

So far this week I am feeling okay. Im happy to be working this week, after being off all last week. Im SO tired lately. My back is starting to hurt, and my boobs are more tender. I love having these symptoms I know the baby is doing okay! Less than a month until our next appointment, I can not wait!!! I am pretty sure we will hear the babies heart beat. After the appointment we are going to tell friends and the rest of our family. So far this week has been good, Brendan has been AMAZING lately. I am extremely lucky. He is going to be a great daddy! I couldn't ask for a better life :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Our next appointment is 10:00am on November 23rd.


First Doctors Appointment~
So my first appointment was on Monday 10.19.2009. I was anxious to get the H1N1 shot, so I wanted an appointment as soon as it was possible. Brendan was hunting so he couldn't make it. I could have waited till thursday but I was too excited.
The appointment went well, I did get the shot, they did blood work, and gave me an official due date JUNE 22nd 2010!! I am so excited to see where things go from here. Brendan comes home today! I have missed him so much! I am going to Denver tomorrow to see my family. Hopefully the weather will work with me