Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Its been awhile... Week 14.5

I haven't been up for writing lately. Work has been crazy!!! But I thought I should update.. Tomorrow is our 3rd appointment. Im anxious and nervous. This will be the first appointment in the second tri. I just want to hear everything is okay. I think once we hear his/her little heart beat again alot of my fears will go away. Also, I set up the BIG ultrasound. We find out if its a lil Bren or a lil Ash on JANUARY 9th!! Thats only 2 weeks.. I am so excited....
Non-pregnancy related news, I got into Adams State :). I decided I will not work and just go to school full time. I am planning on saving student loan money to pay the bills I have. Eek the thought of only one income coming in is scary but I really don't think I can work and go to school and be pregnant. My life would just seem too much. So hopefully this is the right decision. We will see.
So I will update tomorrow (maybe, no promises) with good news hopefully. I need to start posting more pictures...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

12 week questions :O)

How far along? 12 weeks! :)
Total weight gain/loss: My pants are getting tighter. my tummy is getting harder..
How Big is Baby?: A PLUM!! 2.1 inches and .49 ounces
Maternity clothes? Not all the time. I have a couple pair of maternity pants that I wear when I am super bloated.
Stretch marks? None that are new
Sleep: I hope I am one of those pregnant woman who always sleep good, because man I love sleeping!!!
Movement: Nope! SOON I HOPE
Food cravings: Jalapenos
Food aversions: I dont know?? the smell of eggs cooking is kinda grossing me out EW
Symptoms: Threw up a couple times two days ago, but it might have just been from what I was eating.. Damn Chili cheese dog.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Doc appointments. Doc appointments. Doc appointments.
Weekly Wisdom: Hmmm haven't heard any wisdom this week......
Weekly Joy: I was having a bad day and Brendan went grocery shopping. He bought me anything he thought would make me feel better. I am so lucky he makes my heart happy!!!

12 Weeks

WOW, I love being 12 weeks pregnant!!! I am starting to feel so much better. I hope it lasts. I am not so exhausted anymore. I am also thrilled (I think Brendan would agree) that I am not so moody. Everything seems to be going great. We got some news earlier this week and it put me in a slight depression, but I am just going to stay positive. Everything WILL be okay. I am back at work and they are being awesome. I no longer have to pack boxes I am just doing the computer work YAY :) Thats about it. We have TWO doctor appointments this month. One is on tuesday, the other will be on the 23rd. I love doctor appointments now. :)